Where can you find me?

I N S T A G R A M  /   F A C E B O O K  /   F L I C K R  /  V I M E O  /  T U M B L R  and by  E - M A I L, basically.

Well, since I fail at blogging that often (I'm a terrible "blogger" truth be told, I know!) you can find me more often on Instagram - at least once or twice a week. And that is still* my favorite social network/place to be on the Web. By the end of October 2014 I was selected as a "Suggested User" by Instagram - I gram since 2012. You can follow me if you want to!

Or find me on Facebook, that's my page below:

On Flickr I share my photography work - some photos are there exclusively because I try the most not to saturate my blog posts. So if you please you can visit, and follow, my Flickr gallery for more & complete photos/series.

I'm also trying to set up a site or personal page/archive for more professional stuff (photography/design works, mostly). So expect something in the meantime.

But you can, as well, e-mail me if you want to. Just write to soft8@live.com!


*Despite all the changes Instagram has been through currently & trying to adjust myself to it. But yes, it is no longer the same place & (specially) people are no longer the same has it used to be, and it makes me kinda sad about it; I used to looove it there. Nvm.